VIDEO: Više od 700 migranata sukobilo se sa španjolskim graničarima


epa04542757 Some 30 sub-Saharan people wait on top of a border fence as they try to reach the Spanish enclave of Melilla, northern Africa, early 30 December 2014. Around 150 or 200 people took part in the action and some 70 sub-Saharan of them managed to reach Melilla.  Melilla, along with the town of Ceuta, is situated in North Africa but belongs to Spain. They are the main entry points for people hoping to reach Europe - a position that has strained local resources far beyond their capacity. According to the Spanish government delegation to Melilla, 14,000 people have tried to scale the barricade until mid-December 2014. Of those, only about 2,000 have reached the Spanish side.  EPA/FRANCISCO G. GUERRERO

Više od 700 migranata probilo je u četvrtak granicu kod španjolskog grada Ceute, javljaju svjetske agencije.

U sukobu su ozlijeđena najmanje 132 migranta, a 11 ih je odvedeno u bolnicu zbog posjekotina zadobivenik od bodljikave žice. U masovnoj tučnjavi ozlijeđena su i 22 granična policajca.

Španjolske enklave u Maroku Ceuta i Melilla jedine su dvije kopnene granice koje dijele Europsku uniju i Afriku.


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