Španjolski sud odobrio ekshumaciju tijela diktatora Franca


epa07865490 Protesters hold a banner with a picture of Spanish late dictator Francisco Franco (R) and German late dictator Adolf Hitler (L) that reads 'Their people also died because of their fault' during a protest at the Supreme Court in Madrid, Spain, to support the Government's decision of exhuming Franco's remains. The Supreme Court has endorsed a Royal Decree passed by the socialist Government, 24 August 2018, to modify the Spanish Historic Memory Law in order to allow the exhumation of Spanish dictator Francisco Franco's body from the memorial. El Valle de los Caidos is a controversial memorial complex that Franco decided to build back in 1940 to bury soldiers of the Nationalist faction fallen during the Civil War. It was years later, before its opening, when it was decided that soldiers from both sides should be buried at the memorial that was finally finished in 1959. Franco has been buried at the memorial since his death in 1975. According to the Supreme Court's ruling, Franco will have to be buried in a cemetery near Madrid, against his family's will that had the intention of burying him in the Spanish capital's city center.  EPA/Fernando Alvarado

EPA/Fernando Alvarado

Španjolski Vrhovni sud u utorak je odobrio ekshumaciju posmrtnih ostataka diktatora Francisca Franca, piše BBC.

Socijalistička vlada kao prioritet postvila si je premjestiti posmrtne ostatke Franca iz državnog mauzoleja u blizini glavnog grada Madrida, nazvanom ‘Dolina palih’. U tom su mauzoleju pokopani i deseci tisuća poginulih u Građanskom ratu. Mnogi smatraju kompleks spomenikom trijumfu fašizma te je postao ‘hram’ ekstremnim desničarima.

Vlada planira ponovno pokopati Franca uz njegovu suprugu na groblju El Pardo sjeverno od Madrida. Sud je, osim dozvole za ekshumaciju, odbio i zahtjev obitelji Franco da se tijelo diktatora sahrani u katedrali Almudena u središtu Madrida.


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