RASPAD SISTEMA Piksi izbacio neposlušne iz reprezentacije pa prijetio otkazom, otpuštena dva dužnosnika


01, May, 2024, Belgrade - The President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, visited the preparatory work on the construction of the EXPO 2027 complex, where he attended the ceremony of the beginning of the construction of the National Football Stadium. Dragan Stojkovic. Photo: Antonio Ahel/ATAImages

01, maj, 2024, Beograd - Predsednik Republike Srbije Aleksandar Vucic obisao je pripremne radove na izgradnji kompleksa EXPO 2027, gde je prisustvovao ceremoniji pocetka radova na izgradnji Nacionalnog fudbalskog stadiona. Photo: Antonio Ahel/ATAImages Photo: Antonio Ahel/ATAImages/PIXSELL

Foto: Antonio Ahel/ATAImages/PIXSELL


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