OŽIVIO BORAT ‘Kamala Harris, ne dolazite u Kazahstan, počinili ste tri zločina kažnjivih smrću’


Los Angeles, CA  - Sacha Baron Cohen brings back Ali G and Borat to poke fun at presidential hopefuls Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, as he appears on The Tonight Show. The Brit comedian and actor was on the late night US chat show to promote his new TV series Disclaimer but soon Fallon was discussing Sacha’s most famous characters Ali G and Borat. Fallon whipped out a stick-on goatie, red hat and glasses as Sacha tried to plead that he was there to discuss his ‘serious’ acting. But with cheers from the audience he transformed into Ali G as Fallon asked him to moderate a debate between Trump and Harris. Ali G threw up some gang signs and said: “Yo, big up yourself Kimmel,” in a reference to Fallon’s late night rival Jimmy Kimmel. He continued: “Yo, yo Mr Trump, you’s been convicted of 32 crimes, you stole classified docruments, you boned enuff porn stars and you ain’t never paid no taxes. Respect! You’s my hero.” Fallon then asked him to address Harris and Ali G said: “Me’s also got a question for that fit honey. You what is you doin’ later? A’ight. When me look at you on da television, I get a massive election. A’ight! Yo yo yo, can I just say to both of you, dat whatever happens me is just glad the next president won’t ‘ave white skin.” Sacha pulled off the fake goatie and glasses – leaving Fallon to then ask him if Borat would also do the same. Sacha put ona grey suit jacket and moustache, before trying to kiss Fallon, declaring: “Jimmy Fallers. Wawawa!” Borat then made a rude hand gesture pretending to squeeze women’s boobs, before saying: “Mr Trump, you say in Ohio that people eat the cats and the dogs, which restaurant do they sell them at? Can you get me reservation please? In my country we have KFC. Kazak Fried Cat. It pussy licking good!” After jumping up and doing a little jig, Borat asked: “Why is a woman on stage? Is it Stormy Daniels? She nice! Wawaweewa!” Then he turned his attention to Harris, saying: “You are a woman, a person of colours and married to a Jew. I advise you not to come to Kazakstan, you have already made 3 out of 4 crimes punishable by death. Please do not tell me that you have also made sexy time with an underage bear. Mr Trump, that reminds me, after your visit 5 years ago o the beautiful bear pageant , we paid the hush money to get the grizzly. Problem solved and thank you for your nuclear secrets in return. You scratch my back, I scratch your crum.”


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Sacha Baron Cohen postao je poznat zahvaljujući ulogama Borata, kazahstanskog novinara u posjeti SAD-u, te britanskog repera Ali G-ja. Kako je u četvrtak navečer gostovao u emisiji The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon tako ga je voditelj upitao kako bi izgledalo da Borat i Ali G vode američku predsjedničku debatu.

Baron Cohen prvo je postao Ali G koji je pohvalio republikanskog kandidata Donalda Trumpa zbog krivičnih djela koje je počinio. „Yo, gospodine Trump, osuđeni ste za 32 krivična djela, ukrali ste dokumente s oznakom državne tajne, poševili ste porno zvijezde, te nikada niste platili porez. Respekt! Vi ste moj heroj“.

A onda je Jimmy Fallon zapitao Barona Cohena što bi kazahstanski novinar Borat upitao Donalda Trumpa i Kamalu Harris. Baron Cohen je odjenuo sivi sako i brkove te se u prvom pitanju referirao na Trumpove tvrdnje kako haićanski imigranti u Ohiju jednu pse i mačke.

„Gospodine Trump, rekli ste da u Ohiju ljudi jedu mačke i pse. U kojem ih restoranu serviraju? Možete li mi srediti rezervaciju? U mojoj zemlji imamo KFC: Kazakh Fried Cat. Dobro je poput lizanja pi…“, upitao je Borat, odnosno Baron Cohen.

Iako se očekivalo da će se Baron Cohen izrugivati samo s Trumpom, on se našalio i s demokratskom kandidatkinjom Kamalom Harris. Borat je preporučio aktualnoj potpredsjednici da ne dolazi u Kazahstan jer je „žena, tamnoputa osoba, udata za Židova“. „Time ste počinili tri od četiri zločina koji se kažnjavaju smrću. Nemojte mi reći da ste vodili ljubav s maloljetnim medvjedom“, rekao je i ponovo se pozabavio Trumpom.

Baron Cohen se ovog puta referirao na skandal oko podmićivanja porno glumice Stormy Daniels u zamjenu za njenu šutnju. „Gospodine Trump, to me podsjetili na vaš posjet izboru za najljepšu medvjedicu prije pet godina kada smo platili mito medvjedici Gildi. Problem riješen. Hvala vam na nuklearnim tajnama koje smo dobili zauzvrat“.


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