OBJASNIO RAZLOGE Pešić podnio ostavku kao izbornik košarkaša Srbije: Odlazi nakon svjetskog srebra i olimpijske bronce


24, July, 2024, Belgrade - The press conference of the men's basketball team of Serbia before the trip to Paris for the Olympic Games was held in the VIP lounge of Nikola Tesla Airport. Svetislav Pesic. Photo: Antonio Ahel/ATAImages

24, jul, 2024, Beograd - Konferencija za medije muske kosarkaske reprezentacije Srbije pred put u Pariz na Olimpijske igre odrzana je u VIP salonu aerodroma Nikola Tesla. Photo: Antonio Ahel/ATAImages Photo: Antonio Ahel/ATA Images/PIXSELL

Foto: Antonio Ahel/ATA Images/PIXSELL


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