Izraelski tenk slučajno pogodio ‘egipatske položaje’. Ozlijeđeni egipatski graničari


epa10919991 An Israeli soldier next to a machine gun on top of tank turret at an area along the border with Gaza, southern Israel, 15 October 2023. The Israel Defense Force (IDF) on 14 October announced they are increasing readiness and preparing to 'implement a wide range of operational offensive plans', including combined and coordinated strikes by land, sea and air. Israel has called for the evacuation of all civilians of northern Gaza ahead of an expected ground invasion. More than 1,300 Israelis have been killed and over 3,200 others injured, according to the IDF, after the Islamist movement Hamas launched an attack against Israel from the Gaza Strip on 07 October. More than 2,300 Palestinians have been killed and over 9,000 others injured in Gaza since Israel launched retaliatory air strikes, the Palestinian health ministry said.  EPA/ABIR SULTAN


Tenk izraelske vojske slučajno je pogodio ‘egipatski položaj blizu granice’, rekao je glasnogovornik vojske. Položaj se nalazio u području Kerem Shaloma, rekao je Daniel Hagari.

U Kerem Shalomu se nalazi granični prijelaz, ali iz IDF-ovog opisa nije bilo jasno gdje je tenkovski projektil pogodio.

“Incident se istražuje, a detalji se razmatraju. IDF žali zbog incidenta”, rekao je.

Glasnogovornik egipatske vojske potvrdio da su graničari zadobili lakše ozljede nakon što su ih pogodili fragmenti granate koju je ispalio izraelski tenk.

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OZNAKE: Izrael, Egipat


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