Fokus ruskih napada trenutno je na četiri grada, više od 30 okršaja od jučer


epa10733940 Local resident Mikhail shows a damaged room in his flat which was hit by a missile strike in the firsts days of the war with Russia, in the Piatykhatky settlement of Kharkiv, northeastern Ukraine, 04 July 2023 (issued 08 July 2023). Twenty six years old Mikhail, narrowly escaped death when one of the first rockets of the war with Russia  on 24 February 2022, fell very close to where he slept, in the flat his mother and him were sharing. The rocket, described by emergency services as a self-propelled 122 mm multiple rocket BM-21 Grad system had entered the flat through the ceiling; its front part ended up awkwardly buried in a hole right next to his bed. He realized only later how lucky he was that morning that the rocket had not exploded on impact. Emergency services came to retrieve the rocket but Mikahil and his mother, who moved to his  grandmother's flat not far from their old one meanwhile, are still waiting to receive help to repair their damaged home as promised by local authorities. Before the war, the young man had been a student of the National Automobile Highway University, and now works at an auto service. His salary is enough to support himself and family but not enough to repair his old flat, he received 600 euros of the promised help but the rest has not materialized yet.The war in Ukraine which started when Russian troops entered Ukraine in February 2022, marks on 08 July its 500th day.  According to the UN more than 9000 civilians have been killed since the war started.  EPA/SERGEY KOZLOV


Glavni stožer Oružanih snaga Ukrajine priopćio je da ruski okupatori i dalje usmjeravaju svoje glavne napore na područja Lymana, Bahmuta, Avdivka i Marina, a tijekom proteklog dana, 8. srpnja, tamo se dogodilo više od 30 borbenih okršaja.

Iz stožera su naveli da su Rusi izveli još jedan raketni i zračni napad na teritorij Ukrajine, koristeći protuzračne navođene rakete iz sistema protuzračne obrane S-300 i iranske bespilotne letjelice Shahed.

Obrambene snage Ukrajine uništile su njih pet. Neki dronovi pogodili su, kako navode, industrijske i infrastrukturne objekte u regijama Dnjepropetrovsk i Kirovohrad.

“Neprijatelj je izveo i 52 zračna napada, a izveo je i oko 60 napada raketnim salvo sistemima. U granatiranju Lymana od strane ruske vojske ubijeno je osam civila, a 13 ih je ranjeno”, priopćili su iz stožera Oružanih snaga.

Tijekom proteklog dana Zračne snage Oružanih snaga izvele su sedam napada na područja gdje je koncentrirano neprijateljsko ljudstvo. Također, Oružane snage uništile su 10 izviđačkih bespilotnih letjelica operativno-taktičkog nivoa.

“Jedinice raketnih snaga i topništva pogodile su 11 topničkih oružja na položajima, jedno skladište streljiva, tri sredstva protuzračne obrane i dvije postaje za radioelektroničku borbu neprijatelja”, stoji u izvještaju Oružanih snaga, prenosi

Ukrajina uvjerava da neće koristiti kazetno streljivo na području Rusije

OZNAKE: Rusija, rat, Ukrajina


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