EU bi mogla platiti 6 milijardi eura sjevernoafričkim državama za migrantska utočišta


epa05790628 A handout photo made available by the World Press Photo (WPP) organization on 13 February 2017 shows a picture by British photographer Mathieu Willcocks that won the Spot News - Third Prize, Stories award of the 60th annual World Press Photo Contest, it was announced by the WPP Foundation in Amsterdam, The Netherlands on 13 February 2017.

Spot News - Third Prize, Stories
© Mathieu Willcocks
Title: Mediterranean Migration

Photo caption:
Libyan fishermen throw a life jacket at a rubber boat full of migrants. Migrants are very often not given any life jackets or means of communication by their smugglers. More often than not they only have some water, food and not enough fuel to make it to Italy.

The central Mediterranean migration route, between the coasts of Libya and Italy, remains busy. According to reports by the UNHCR, 5,000 people died while attempting to cross the Mediterranean in 2016. NGOs and charities such as Migrant Offshore Aid Station (MOAS) continue their efforts to patrol the patch of sea north of the Libyan coast, in the hope of rescuing refugees before the potential of drowning. The rescue team on board the MOAS' Responder are there to mitigate loss of life at sea. Operating like a sea-born ambulance, they rush to assist and rescue refugee vessels in distress, provide medical assistance, and bring the refugees safely to Italy.  EPA/Mathieu Willcocks/WORLD PRESS PHOTO HANDOUT ATTENTION EDITORS : EDITORIAL USE ONLY / NO SALES / NO ARCHIVE / NO CROPPING / NO MANIPULATING / USE ONLY FOR SINGLE PUBLICATION IN CONNECTION WITH THE WORLD PRESS PHOTO AND ITS ACTIVITIES HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES/NO ARCHIVES HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES/NO ARCHIVES

Europska unija bi mogla platiti 6 milijardi eura sjevernoafričkim državama za pružanje utočišta migrantima koji žele doći u Europu, rekao je u ponedjeljak povjerenik Europske komisije za proračun Guenther Oettinger.

Članice Europske unije u sporu su oko toga kako riješiti migrantsku krizu, a to će pitanje dominirati susretom europskih čelnika kasnije ovog tjedna.

Jedna od ideja koja se razmatra su takozvane točke iskrcavanja u kojima bi zatraženi azili bili procesuirani na teritoriju Sjeverne Afrike prije no što bi migranti stupili na europski teritorij.

EU bi financirala takav plan, a 6 milijardi eura u nadolazećim godinama su “vrlo realistična” brojka, rekao je Oettinger. EU je 2016. toliko obećala i Turskoj koja je zauzvrat pristala biti domaćin izbjeglicama koje bi u protivnom nastavile svoj put u Europu.

Kadgod blok može pronaći države ili partnere koji mogu surađivati, EU će financirati temeljne potrebe za migrante poput vode, sanitarnih čvorova, skloništa, odjeće, hrane i obrazovanja u “zatvorenim” selama, istaknuo je Oettinger.

Posebno je spomenuo Libiju, Tunis i “druge države” sjevera Afrike.

Nijedna sjevernoafrička vlada dosad nije iskazala spremnost biti domaćin toj infrastrukturi, no razgovori su u tijeku s Međunarodnim uredom za migracije i UNHCR-om, objavila je Komisija.


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