Drugi potres u tjedan dana na grčkom otoku Lezbosu


epa05300738 Chang Chien-hsing (obscured) from the Seismological Observation Center briefs reporters on a magnitude-5.8 earthquake that hit off the country's northeastern coast, in Taipei, Taiwan, 12 May 2016. A magnitude 5.8 earthquake struck 19.7km off the coast of Yilan, northeast Taiwan, with epicenter 17.5km under the seabed, at 11:17 am (03:17 GMT) on 12 May 2016. It was followed by four aftershocks from 4.4 to 5.5 magnitudes. A man was injured by wall tiles falling from a high building and the train service was suspended briefly. The Seismological Observation Center said the quake was caused by the expansion of the Okinawa Trough in the East China Sea.  EPA/DAVID CHANG


Potres magnitude najmanje 5.2 pogodio je u subotu područje južno od grčkog otoka Lezbosa, blizu turske obale, pet dana nakon jakog potresa na istom području.

Turska agencija za izvanredna stanja AFAD navodi da je potres bio jakosti 5.3. Njemački zavod Helmholtz u Potsdamu zabilježio je 5.2.

Epicentar potresa bio je u Egejskome moru, između turskog okruga Karaburuna i grčkog otoka Lezbosa.

Zasad nema informacija o stradalima ili o šteti.

Podsjetimo, u potresu jakosti 6.2, koji je u ponedjeljak pogodio Lezbos, poginula je žena.


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